Can't open 'D:/WWWRoot/rochestervballcom/www/ubb/cache-UY9JZTSD/lock/global.cgi'.
I was unable to find that file or directory. Please check the paths.
The exact error returned by the operating system is:
No such file or directory
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error. [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: Can't open 'D:/WWWRoot/rochestervballcom/www/ubb/cache-UY9JZTSD/lock/global.cgi'. [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: I was unable to find that file or directory. Please check the paths. [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: The exact error returned by the operating system is: [Tue Sep 9 09:33:09 2003] D:\WWWRoot\rochestervballcom\www\cgi-bin\ubb\ultimatebb.cgi: No such file or directory