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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vball5 Posted - 03/08/2003 : 5:31:21 PM
who is going to be the team to beat next fall?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vb101 Posted - 03/19/2003 : 1:51:06 PM
The powerhouses of the past existed because of dedication to the sport. Certain schools and groups of people would bond to this sport and then put more time in than others.
Not all of the powerhouses had the best athletes, or the best of anything, what they did have was a love of the game, and dedication to be the best that they could be.
Who will be the best of next year? Who will step up in the future? Well a new cast of competitors arise every year.
One thing I am sure, the groups that rise to success will be the ones who do more than the others, the groups that earn it. That means, those who work the hardest in their off-high school-seasons, whether at camps, or clubs, or in the gym.
statechamp8 Posted - 03/14/2003 : 4:14:02 PM
Id love to see monroe county be back on the top of there game, The first time i saw monroe county girls I was in 8th grade w/ Fairport helping out as like a ball boy for Frank Clark as he develop Fairport to what they are now... the great tradition tut had at R-H, Gates and Arcadia,Webster w/ Coach Kennedy always haveing good teams and also Brockport, Prenfield w/ Coach Fusar and there would always be the suprise teams. What it is now are the same teams doing the same things Brockport always in the finals, Fairport gave it a lil run but next year gonna be hurting real bad,R-H rebuilding the program from like scratch, which next year w/ the exception from maybe B-Port and Penfield everyone is gonna be rebuilding there program. I wanna see the Power house that monroe county had, back in action. How do we do it?
otter6297 Posted - 03/14/2003 : 12:13:09 PM
Your eyes are going as you get OLDER. Or maybe it's that McQ education. But if you can write haikus, you can definitely read. Or at least count syllables.
Q Posted - 03/14/2003 : 09:20:17 AM
Sorry about that....I keep seeing your username and thinking you are someone else......I just learned how to read a month ago.....though the mail.......I have a diploma and everything.
Barre Posted - 03/13/2003 : 9:05:53 PM
Originally posted by Q

You left......enough said!

Huh?? Not sure what this meant? Anyway, I was referring to the trend that Statechamp pointed out--the shifting of skill level from winter to fall. But those explanations seem reasonable. I can certainly remember there was not much comparison between fall and winter Rochester ball, with Winter a clear level ahead. It just doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
VBCoach Posted - 03/13/2003 : 6:26:15 PM
there has been an explosion of club volleyball in the outskirts of Rochester within the last 3-4 years. The majority of the players playing in the fall. Clubs like Cougars in Honeoye Falls, Spike explosion in Batavia and Xtreme in Bloomfield with at total team count in excess of 15 teams.
statechamp8 Posted - 03/13/2003 : 2:36:15 PM
That is a good question- It seems like monroe county's season is getting weaker...3-4 years ago if u asked me who was better monroe county or the rest of section V i would go w/ monroe county. Now i would go w/ section V, Section V seems to be getting stronger while Monore county is getting weaker, I have no clue why does any know?
Q Posted - 03/13/2003 : 08:36:31 AM
You left......enough said!
Barre Posted - 03/12/2003 : 11:00:24 PM
Question: Why has Monroe County weakened so considerably over the past few years? Next year looks to be even worse? What's going on?
statechamp8 Posted - 03/12/2003 : 10:20:59 PM
Id have to agree that i think that monroe county season has lost some real good players this year, one team that will be real strong and i pick to win it all next year is Brockport, I could also see penfield haveing a good run but i dont think they have what it takes to beat Brockport
scooter Posted - 03/11/2003 : 07:28:07 AM
I think Penfield and Brockport in Div. 1 - Brockport has worked it's way into the finals for how many years? They had very good Juniors and Sophomores this year that will pick it up for next year to get to the finals again. As for other teams - Arcadia will be strong again and Pittsford will stay consistent.
vballer123 Posted - 03/10/2003 : 3:30:49 PM
Who is going to dominate the winter? It seems that most of the good players will be graduating this year.
statechamp8 Posted - 03/08/2003 : 7:53:05 PM
For rochester-
Class A- um let me think um..Canandaigua maybe east will have a run!?
Class B- id have to go with Victor and wayne batteling for the top, i wouldnt count out Aquinas either w/ them haveing a young squad last year
Class CC- a lil biased but i see a another showdown w/ Naz and Waterloo
Class D-Notre Dame should look strong again
Irish Posted - 03/08/2003 : 6:49:58 PM
From the Buffalo area.

A's Look for Lancaster to repeat but Clarence will be there also
B's Sweet Home
C's It is getting old. Eden again

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