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T O P I C    R E V I E W
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 11/27/2005 : 11:37:42 AM
Well its about that tme of year when all of us that have left Rochester start thinking about coming back for the holidays. Just putting this out there to see who was coming home and who in Rochester was looking to get together and have a bit of a reunion. Maybe we could talk Hot Shots in to a drink special. If not I might be able to pull some strings over at Oxfords and make a special for the Ballers of past and present. Spread the word and see what we cam scrape together.

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HeWhoHoldsTheCoats Posted - 12/14/2009 : 5:25:15 PM
sent out an event invite via facebook
Rhino14 Posted - 12/09/2009 : 12:55:22 PM
23rd could work.
HeWhoHoldsTheCoats Posted - 12/08/2009 : 4:22:46 PM
I'm guessing some others will be traveling in the weekend before xmas. The 23rd might be the best option for all.
Voice of Reason Posted - 12/08/2009 : 3:35:10 PM
December 18th? December 23rd? I'm with you on this one Coat Rack!!!
HeWhoHoldsTheCoats Posted - 12/08/2009 : 3:09:55 PM
Soooo, let's see if we can bring this thread back to life. Where/When are we going to get together this year? Who's in?
shy girl Posted - 12/16/2008 : 8:52:20 PM
Voice of Reason Posted - 12/14/2008 : 7:44:21 PM
Sure....8pm is good with me. There's a 2's tournament that day that I will playing in, so I will be there from 9:30am until........
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 12/14/2008 : 10:00:56 AM
After talking with VOR, lets start the night off at Hot Shots and then people can do what ever. I am sure that most of you know where I will be headed after

What time Voice? 8ish?

wackywiddy Posted - 12/11/2008 : 11:38:05 AM
i dont mind starting @ hotshots on the 27th...
Voice of Reason Posted - 12/10/2008 : 9:16:25 PM
I don't really think anybody cares on this thread, but I won't make it on the 27th unless we do something at Hot Shots. Eric Palumbo is going into the marines in early January and a couple of us are throwing a little thing together for him at Hot Shots that evening.

All are welcome of course. Just not sure if this group wants to start (at least) at Hot Shots. Just an idea.
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 12/10/2008 : 2:04:22 PM
I vote for saturday night the 27th. holiday work schedule just came out and i have to work on saturday starting at 5am

wackywiddy Posted - 12/08/2008 : 3:54:34 PM
Any firm date and place for x-mas get together?
wackywiddy Posted - 12/02/2008 : 3:35:56 PM
wont be back in town till the 27th...
HeWhoHoldsTheCoats Posted - 12/02/2008 : 11:45:16 AM
VOR doesn't really get a vote, we just like to know which night he is most likely to NOT show up...... AGAIN!!!
Rhino14 Posted - 11/27/2008 : 10:11:19 PM
Sweet. Just achieved advanced member! My life is complete
Rhino14 Posted - 11/27/2008 : 10:10:10 PM
Gonna have to check the schedule
otter6297 Posted - 11/26/2008 : 11:34:32 PM
How come he gets to vote ???? I vote for Friday the 26th ... My hangover is from buying the kids their Xmas stuff, the 26th will help me forget just how much stuff that is ... VOR buys first round, you have to owe me somehow
Voice of Reason Posted - 11/26/2008 : 3:46:33 PM
Do I get a vote? Sweet!!! My vote is for Friday the 26th.......I hate being hungover on Christmas Eve.
HeWhoHoldsTheCoats Posted - 11/26/2008 : 2:52:11 PM
What's the early word on this year's get together? Before Christmas, after Christmas? Tuesday the 23rd? 2Short, VOR, Rhino14....anyone, anyone, anyone??
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 12/27/2007 : 6:00:21 PM
friday night it is
otter6297 Posted - 12/27/2007 : 4:59:50 PM
So was the big get together YESTERDAY, or is it TOMORROW ?

If it was yesterday .....

If it's tomorrow, we'll both be there.
otter6297 Posted - 12/21/2007 : 10:31:58 PM
The 28th then at Oxford's ??

What time?
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 12/13/2007 : 7:00:24 PM
we can arrange for milk and cookies
otter6297 Posted - 12/13/2007 : 12:58:48 PM
Drink special?? Volleyball players don't drink.
2short2BGoliath2Tall2BDav Posted - 12/12/2007 : 6:01:36 PM
I talked to the coat master aboout moving it to friday the 28th. if we go the Oxfords route, i am sure i can work another drink special

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