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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jet Posted - 10/04/2009 : 10:17:28 AM



FRI. NOV 13 @ Nazareth College
SAT. NOV 14 @ Buffalo –Niagara Center Courts
Molten Players Clinic 9:00-11:30 AM
Penn State vs. Nazareth 1:00 PM
IPFW vs. Loyola 3:00 PM
Loyola vs. Nazareth 5:00 PM
Penn State vs. IPFW 7:00 PM
Sun , Nov 15 @ Hot Shots (Rochester)
Mizuno Players Clinic 8:30-11:30 AM
Sun. Nov 15 @ Nazareth college
Penn State vs Loyola 12 PM Sunday
East-West Boys Club Match 2:00 PM
2008 NCAA Champion Penn State, IPFW, Nazareth , and Loyola
face off in a 3-day, action packed tournament.
Ticket prices are as follows: Adults $8.00, Students $6.00
the Players Clinics are $25.00
with an event ticket included. Tickets are available at the door in both Rochester and Buffalo.
Advanced tickets can be purchased at Hot Shots Volleyball Club and at the T-Shirt Express,
1044 University Avenue in Rochester.

Team orders may be purchased through the Pace-Bootlegger Volleyball C
web-site: www.pacebootlegger.com .
Check out www.pacebootlegger.com or www.edenvbc.org for more INFO
regarding upcoming events, clinics and great volleyball!

Men’s Preview to the Final Four!
http://www.bnccsports.com/ Buffalo Niagara Court Center
425 Meyer Road,West Seneca, NY 14224
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jet Posted - 09/19/2010 : 5:35:42 PM
With the new NCAA off season travel restrictions it made it impossible to bring a West Coast team in and difficult to bring midwest.......PSU therefore not interested understandably.
No DI Final 4 this year.....but I think Naz is going to put on a DIII version of it in the Rochester area which will be cool. info TBA
Kartch Posted - 09/19/2010 : 5:23:47 PM
Is there any information on this year's Preview to the Final Four? Dates, potential teams that will play? Thanks!
tootall4178 Posted - 11/16/2009 : 08:41:05 AM
Those boys showed some real promise...I think they would have finished in three, but I heard they were led by a JV coach.

Originally posted by jet

I think this is right.

Naz def Ipfw 3-2
PSU def Naz 3-0
Ipfw def Loyola 3-2
Loyola def Naz 3-0
PSU def IPFW 3-1
PSU def Loyoa 3-0

Eden def Pace 18 in 5 15-13.

Thanks to all the Eden VBC and Pace Parents/coaches and officials for helping us make a first class event. We really have some great people.....and very talented young players up here in Roch/Buff

I think we all need a little rest......before club ramps up!

jet Posted - 11/15/2009 : 4:22:11 PM
I think this is right.

Naz def Ipfw 3-2
PSU def Naz 3-0
Ipfw def Loyola 3-2
Loyola def Naz 3-0
PSU def IPFW 3-1
PSU def Loyoa 3-0

Eden def Pace 18 in 5 15-13.

Thanks to all the Eden VBC and Pace Parents/coaches and officials for helping us make a first class event. We really have some great people.....and very talented young players up here in Roch/Buff

I think we all need a little rest......before club ramps up!

volleyballer9 Posted - 11/15/2009 : 03:24:48 AM
Anyone have the results thus far?
123Pjvball Posted - 11/14/2009 : 2:29:27 PM
How about Naz beating IPFW in 5 last night....that was impressive!
ripping on everyone 09 Posted - 11/04/2009 : 6:32:54 PM
hey volleywood...keep your thoughts to yourself next time you plan on saying something as ignorant as your post above...its haters like you that keep college volleyball in this area from growing...Naz vball is on the move to a much higher level than u expect...i know they will do big things these next few years...
Block Party Posted - 10/26/2009 : 1:23:16 PM

from KM and TC
tootall4178 Posted - 10/19/2009 : 12:17:50 PM
Don't worry about it Brian...most of the people that post on this site have no idea what lengths some of us go through to keep our sport going.

Can't imagine all that goes into a sweet event like the Preview!!!!!!

Originally posted by bcarroll

Hope there was no offense in my previous reply. It's not like we have 8 Bills Home Games/Sunday/Thursday/or Monday night football or Sabre games to promote our sport. The only chance we have to hook more kids/keep our sport growing is to support whatever we have Big or Small.

I've been promoting this event in my middle schoool for a while and no matter what, we need to promote our sport and support it if we want it to grow. We are the grass roots. Really... we are the only roots in our area. Promote the event. It's worth every penny b/c it's a once a year event.

nice job Robert and Cal.



bcarroll Posted - 10/18/2009 : 6:50:01 PM
Hope there was no offense in my previous reply. It's not like we have 8 Bills Home Games/Sunday/Thursday/or Monday night football or Sabre games to promote our sport. The only chance we have to hook more kids/keep our sport growing is to support whatever we have Big or Small.

I've been promoting this event in my middle schoool for a while and no matter what, we need to promote our sport and support it if we want it to grow. We are the grass roots. Really... we are the only roots in our area. Promote the event. It's worth every penny b/c it's a once a year event.

nice job Robert and Cal.


VOLLEYWOOD Posted - 10/16/2009 : 4:13:03 PM
Understand the budget woes in these tough times. Always nice to see Penn State here! Would love to see other local D3 colleges competing against these D1 schools. Win or lose, they will have a great experience.
Only $10! I'll be there!

Originally posted by jet

Originally posted by VOLLEYWOOD

Great event in the past...but where are all of the teams that used to come to this event?
Nice to see Penn State and Loyola in town, but NAZ? Cal is putting his team on the firing line to get shelled.
Hopefully there's no charge to get in...

Actually I put Naz in this year......my call.....and it was based on a suggestion from Coach Pavlik as he thinks it important to help promote and support the continued development and growth of D3 progams like Nazareth......heck we have had Springfield involved before and maybe Medaille or D'Youville someday.

California Schools were crushed by budget constraints and I expect Loyola and IPFW to contend for the MIVA title.

Looking forward to ALL of your support for this event.

vb_guy Posted - 10/16/2009 : 10:50:53 AM
I remember the year Springfield beat USC. And it wasn't that close.
bcarroll Posted - 10/16/2009 : 09:07:14 AM
I bet Naz will put up a better game than Rutgers did a few years back. it was Honsberger and 5 guys that were not DIII material on teh team that year. DI, DII, DIII... it doens't matter. A good coach (Cal) will put a good product on the floor. Hope the $10 ticket doens't ruin your dinner plans at McDonalds over the weekend. Support the sport adn the palyers. it will be nice to see some familiar faces play (maybe struggle), but it will be cool to see them play in a big game.

jet Posted - 10/15/2009 : 12:40:47 PM
Originally posted by VOLLEYWOOD

Great event in the past...but where are all of the teams that used to come to this event?
Nice to see Penn State and Loyola in town, but NAZ? Cal is putting his team on the firing line to get shelled.
Hopefully there's no charge to get in...

Actually I put Naz in this year......my call.....and it was based on a suggestion from Coach Pavlik as he thinks it important to help promote and support the continued development and growth of D3 progams like Nazareth......heck we have had Springfield involved before and maybe Medaille or D'Youville someday.

California Schools were crushed by budget constraints and I expect Loyola and IPFW to contend for the MIVA title.

Looking forward to ALL of your support for this event.
VOLLEYWOOD Posted - 10/15/2009 : 10:24:58 AM
Great event in the past...but where are all of the teams that used to come to this event?
Nice to see Penn State and Loyola in town, but NAZ? Cal is putting his team on the firing line to get shelled.
Hopefully there's no charge to get in...

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