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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vb101 Posted - 07/21/2010 : 11:35:47 AM
The 2010 USA Volleyball High Performance Championships, will host a total of 90 national and international competing teams July 26-30 at the Chula Vista Resorts in Wisconsin Dells, Wis.

This is where it is at to showcase our kids. Last year, with the absence of the Empire games, it had to be a no brainer for IREVA to send a squad that did pretty well. This event is one of the events where the US teams debut. Yes, the US teams chosen from the Junior National tryouts held at various Qualifiers and sites during the Club season.

This is where the collegiate coaches will be this summer! Looking to spot future talent.

We should have junior teams at this pipeline.

The USA Volleyball High Performance Championships continues to pull an impressive amount of teams from all pockets of the U.S. A total of 52 teams will represent USA Volleyball Regional High Performance programs from 17 of the 40 USAV Regions.

The Southern California Volleyball Association and Florida Region are the main contributors with five teams each from their regions coming to compete. The host Badger Region, which encompasses the state of Wisconsin, will have four teams. The regions of Aloha, Carolina, Northern California, Ohio Valley and Iowa also have four teams each from their areas playing in the tournament. Three teams apiece are coming from Iroquois-Empire and Oklahoma Regions, two teams from Chesapeake, Garden Empire, Keystone, Lakeshore, Lone Star and Sun Country and one Intermountain Region Team will be attending the USAV High Performance Championships.

The tournament includes International Youth, National Youth and National Select divisions for girls’ and boys’ Youth and Junior teams. Within these divisions, there are 29 USAV pipeline teams in addition to the teams representing their individual regions.

Traveling internationally to compete are four teams from Puerto Rico, two teams from Chile and a team each from Peru and Dominican Republic.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donneyp Posted - 08/14/2010 : 10:40:52 PM
I was the Director of the IREVA HP when it got off the ground and started running camps. It isn't easy. I think I was the 2nd or 3rd person tasked for the assignment, and there were stumbles along the way, but its a great program with a fantastic cadre of coaches who work on it nearly every week of the year, and are not affiliated with any clubs.

If WEVA started a program, with the right coaches and the right setup I have no doubt that the players involved and the region as a whole would benefit in many ways, but WEVA and IREVA are very different. WEVA's population is mostly between Rochester and Buffalo, and most of the top players play for just 2 or 3 clubs that play qualifiers and at JO's. Some of IREVA's kids are 7 hours apart and hardly ever play against each other let alone with one another, and a good number of the participants have come from towns that have never heard of club volleyball, let alone played at Nationals. IREVA NEEDS High Performance. WEVA would benefit in many ways, and if they haven't had a discussion about it yet, perhaps it time that someone raise the issue with them and see what the response is.

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