Just looking for some discussion and other people's viewpoints.
It seems some clubs are moving up tryout dates earlier and earlier. I would suspect that they see a recruiting advantage in being first.
If a girls gets and offer to play for a club but the other club(s) she is interested in haven't concluded tryouts yet, does WEVA require that the offers are good until some date when all clubs have finished tryouts?
I would like my daughter to be able to concentrate on high school VB until states is over. There are some USAV regions that don't allow tryouts until November.
Does WEVA need to develop restrictions (start dates, etc.) for club tryouts?
I think that you are absolutely correct! It is ridiculous to have club tryouts begin or even be over before the end of regular season high school ball. I can see having tryouts in November, but not sooner. If other regions have this type of rule, I strongly believe that it should be adopted here.
This topic has been discussed at length for the last 2 years. There are valid points to both sides of this topic. Cindy D'Errico, the WEVA Junior Coordinator, is creating a Junior Guidelines committee, whose first responsibility will be to develop a recruiting/tryout policy that takes into account all postions. If you would like to express an opinion on the subject, contact Cindy (her e-mail address is listed on the WEVA web site)