OH: Anderson, Clar MH: Lipsitz, ?? S: O'Dell RS: Page/Comfort L: I have no idea who is best, but there are a few really good ones from Buffalo who could be here.
Obviously this list is biased because I have no clue about who played early in the decade. This could be a pretty sick team, there are so many awesome players to choose from.
Pretty simple when you look at HS/College through in some post play......if you just stay in the late 90's to 2000's OH - Anderson - ALL American USA team - Pro - PSU - Eden VBC OH - PTAK - ALL american 1 yr - USA teams and Pro - still playing IPFW - Eden VBC MB - Max Lipsitz - All American - will play pro PSU - EdenVBC MB - RJ Gorbeaux - All EIVA - in the USA program - say what you will but he was a very effective Middle - GMU - Powerstation MB - Henry Richardson - ALL EIVA - Rutgers - Eden VBC S - Dan Odell - All AMerican at least 1 year - was in the USA mix PSU - Pace VBC RS - Scott Greene - MIVA POY - Loyola - Eden VBC L- Jeff Barr - Vassar College - Pace VBC.
I was sticking to high schoolers between 2000-2009. No Doubt Ptak if you include late 90's. Never heard of RJ or a couple others on that list.....prob because I wasn't in Buffalo until 2000. I know Palumbo was an all American at Springfield.