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May, 2000

Plus Seven


This drill helps to develop the ability to terminate the ball against a solid block and defense. Attackers will also gain experience passing and then hitting.


  1. Set up one passer/hitter (P/H) and a S on one side of the net with a full team on the opposite side of the net. Two �on deck� P/HS wait.
  2. P/HI passes a down ball to S and attacks a designated set, either front row or backrow.
  3. A swing that results in a kill gives P/H1 a score of +2, a ball kept in play is worth zero, while an error earns a -1 score.
  4. P/H2 swings.
  5. P/H3 swings.
  6. The first player to reach +7 is the winner. The key is to control the first contact with a good pass to the setter. The player must see the block and defense as the approach is made. Emphasize terminating the ball while keeping errors to a minimum.


  1. If attackers are primary passers, force them to pass a serve as opposed to a down ball.
  2. Use backrow players to pass down balls when middle attackers are competing.
  3. Change defenses to force the hitter to adjust shots appropriately.
  4. Adjust the +7 to the skill level. The lower the skill level, the lower the target number.

Court Setup

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Remember the best drill is any drill that the players pass, set, and hit in.

You should be teaching your players skills, not drills.

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