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Rochester Volleyball Arrow Monroe County Girls  Gary Adler Memorial Tournament  Scholarship Information  


The Roberts Wesleyan College Women’s Volleyball Team, Gates Chili Girls Volleyball Program, & Central Western Volleyball Officials, inc. together have sponsored the Gary Adler Memorial Volleyball Tournaments and have created a scholarship fund for volleyball players that are seniors and going on to college.


  • Applicants must have fully participated (complete season) on a Section V Girls Varsity Volleyball Team for the winter season of 2004/2005.
  • Applicants must have a senior year G.P.A. of at least a 3.0 (B/80 average)
  • Applicants must completely fill out the application along with the two essays.
  • Applicants must have two recommendations to accompany the application. One recommendation must come from your Varsity Coach and the other can come from a teacher, minister/priest, or administrator.

Selection Process

  • Scholarship recipients will be selected based on academic performance, volleyball involvement, recommendations, and essay responses. Representatives from the coaches and officials association as well as Gary’s family will assist in the decision of scholarship winners. Scholarship monies will be mailed directly to the winner’s college.

Application Process [download an application]

  • To apply, student members must complete this scholarship application in full.
  • The signed application and essays must be submitted to the address below, along with:
    • two recommendations:
      • one from your Varsity Coach
      • and the second from a teacher, minister/priest, or administrator
    • a copy of your high school transcript showing your G.P.A. during your 1st half of your senior year.
      (Note: If required by the applicant’s high school, this item can be mailed directly from the guidance office)

Send all completed scholarship materials to:

Gary Adler Volleyball Scholarship
c/o Jim Vanderhoof
60 Pinewood Knoll
Rochester, NY 14624

Scholarship winners will be announced at the Monroe County Winter Girls Final Championships @ Roberts Wesleyan College on February 11th, 2003 following the Large School Division 8 PM Match. Thank you for applying.

Applications must be postmarked by February 1st, 2005.

*** Incomplete applications will be disqualified.

The application is available in Microsoft Word format [download] or Adobe Acrobat format [download].