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Pittsford Recreation 4th Annual Volleyball Camp
Download a registration form
(22k PDF file)

This camp is designed to help athletes improve their individual skills and challenge them to climb to the next level. There will be an emphasis on offensive and defensive skill development as well as team play. A low player to coach ratio of 6 to 1 will ensure individual instruction. Players of all levels are welcome. Bring a water bottle and a snack for break. Camp staff includes area high school and college coaches.

Camp Coordinator: Andrew Solomon
Pittsford Sutherland Varsity Girls Coach (Career Record 111-36) Solomon was selected as the 2000 Monroe County Division III Coach of the Year. While coaching at Sutherland, the team won the 1999 and 2000 Monroe County Championships and was ranked #1 in the New York State Poll for both years. His Mount Mercy Academy team in Buffalo won the 1996 Monsignor Martin League Championship. In addition, he has coached the D'Youville College men's team and for PACE/Volley FX and Volleyball Unlimited Junior Olympic Club programs.

Additional Staff includes:

Session I - 6-8th Grade Girls
08/13 - 08/17 (1 week) 148-303
11:30 am-4:00 pm Pittsford MS gyms
Cost: $ 95.00 (includes T-Shirt)

Session II - 9-12th Grade Girls
08/13 - 08/17 (1 week) 148-302
4:30-9:00 pm Pittsford MS gyms
Cost: $ 95.00 (includes T-Shirt)

Session III - Boys/Girls Grades 3-5
08/13 - 08/16 148-301
9:00 am-11:00 am Pittsford MS gyms
Cost: $ 35.00 (includes T-Shirt)

Reduced Rate! $170 for 8th or 9th graders wishing to attend both sessions.

Registration begins May 21!

For more information call Andrew Solomon at 224-0696 or Pittsford Recreation at 248-6280.

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